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Innings Projections--Norris, Severino, Matz

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  • Innings Projections--Norris, Severino, Matz

    This is a strategy and projections questions. The situation: I am in a 14 team mixed h2h league, where we keep 15 major leaguers and 20 minor leaguers. I am fighting for a playoff spot. Our final regular season week is next week, at the end of which no pick ups or drops are allowed. Our minor league elg rules are more lax than most, and we have the ability to keep starting pitchers in our minors until they have pitched 75 innings. I have Daniel Norris, Luis Severino, and Steve Matz who could all go over that limit by the end of the year. If they go over, and I have not promoted them to my major league club, I lose them. So, if I were out of the playoffs, the simple solution would be to promote them all and drop 3 non-keepers.

    However, if I make the playoffs, and it looks like I have a decent chance of doing that, I would be hurting myself, because the trio of players I'd have to drop would likely be better than these three young arms down the stretch. So given that, what would you do? Would you risk losing these guys to make a run at a title (that is a long shot for me, but anything can happen in h2h). Or would you call up 1 or more of them? Which of these would you call up, because you think they will go over 75 innings and you wouldn't want to lose them?

  • #2
    Matz only has 13 ip and is currently on the DL. Seems like he'd get a max of 10 starts.

    Norris actually has a pretty friendly schedule, other than a potential start @TOR.

    Severino is in-between - decent chance to go over 75ip, but lots of danger with that park and in the AL East.
    people called me an idiot for burning popcorn in the microwave, but i know the real truth. - nullnor


    • #3
      On Norris, he does have a decent schedule, but he is back on the DL now, and some are speculating that the tigers may shut him down for the year.


      • #4
        I just dropped Anibal Sanchez for Severino.

