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AL Minor Leaguers

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  • AL Minor Leaguers

    I have my mid-season minor league draft this evening and my current minors are Sano, Gallo, Judge, Moncada and Daniel Robertson.

    My conundrum is this, if any player on minor roster hits 150 ABs before the end of the season, he cannot be kept on the minor roster for next season...he would be a keeper. So, the question (and I think I already know) is whether I should go ahead and pick two more minor leaguers to replace Gallo and Sano, or just leave them as minors and take my chances they both remain eligible. I'm fairly certain Sano is up for good, barring injury and Gallo only needs 60+ ABs after his likely September recall-up.


  • #2
    Yeah, they'll probably both exceed those limits and you'll have to replace them


    • #3
      Sano for sure. I'd say there's a >50% chance you lose Gallo too. Depending on how good the player you can replace him with, I may or may not take the risk. Really, would you rather have Greg Bird/Eric Jaigelo or a 40% chance of a free Gallo?


      • #4
        Just to bump this up...I ended up getting Baretto and slotted him in for Sano, who I promoted...
        Regarding Gallo, would you activate him to get Devers on your minor squad, or would you drop someone like Robertson and keep Gallo on minors 'just in case' he doesn't get 63 more ABs this season?

        I'd be pretty stoked to have Moncada, Devers, Judge, Baretto and either Gallo or Robertson as my 5 minor guys...


        • #5
          I really like Devers a lot. I would definitely want to get him.

          Beltre keeps saying his thumb isn't getting better.

          But he's also hitting. So who knows? Can you actually use Gallo if he gets promoted? Or are you rebuilding?

          I think the next few days will tell us a lot. If TEX deals for Hamels they're clearly all in and wouldn't mind giving Gallo a shot at LF or calling him up if Beltre can't keep going.

          But if you can't wait that long, I'd probably roll the dice and drop Robertson. Beltre is a tough dude.


          • #6
            Originally posted by eldiablo505
            Can you trade Gallo? Outside of that I think I agree with JC.
            Why would you trade Gallo rather than promoting him? Not a Gallo fan? I ask this partly because I just made a pretty substantial offer for Gallo in my NL only league.

