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Trading for Miggy

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  • Trading for Miggy

    10-team 5x5 (OBP) AL-only keeper league

    Currently tied for 6th place at 54.5 points and top 3 get paid. 3rd place right now is at 59 but 1st and 2nd are in the 70's. My offense has done pretty well but my pitching has flat out sucked (last in ERA and WHIP). We're allowed to keep up to 10.

    Here's the trade:
    Holland (both unkeepable)


    JD Martinez ($10/1 year left on contract)
    Billy Butler ($14/2)
    Rodon ($5/2)
    Sano ($5/2+)

    One thing to consider is that I need to make room for Buxton and I already have too many outfield keepers (Buxton $5, Burns $10, Springer $5, Rusney $10) so losing JD isn't a huge deal although he's one of my better power guys. My only closer right now is Cody Allen so I'm sitting at 9th in saves but 8 back of 5th.

    I'm not sure this trade would even guarantee me 3rd place but it's not like 1st place is totally out of the question. Thoughts?

  • #2
    I don't like it. Holland doesn't seem quite like the top-4 closer he was supposed to be. Miggy is awesome, but you're giving up 2 elite keepers in Rodon and Sano, PLUS a solid bat in JDM and a not hopeless guy in Butler. If you deal those 2 prospects you'd damn well better win the league and you're not sure this does it for you. If you need to move JDM to clear a spot, then I think trading him straight up for a mid-level closer would be a better way to go. Otherwise, take Rodon out of this deal and maybe it's reasonable.


    • #3
      I do not like the deal for you. Take one of Rodon or Sano out and counter with the rest. Or better yet counter but give him his choice of Rodon or Sano.


      • #4
        Now he's substituting Rusney for JD - any better?


        • #5
          Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
          Now he's substituting Rusney for JD - any better?
          No, you're still giving up 2 top 10 prospects for a half a years rental, with no guarantee that you'll budge in the standings. IMO, subbing in Castillo actually makes the deal worse for you...
          "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
          - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

          "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
          -Warren Ellis


          • #6
            One thing to keep in mind is that we don't have long-term contracts in this league. Everyone gets a 3-year contract and then you can extend them for a 4th year for 5 extra dollars.


            • #7
              Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
              Now he's substituting Rusney for JD - any better?
              Nope. The problem is not JD. The problem is two top rookies are too much with the other players for what you are getting back.


              • #8
                Ended up doing Rodon, Butler, and Rusney for Miggy. Butler was somewhat fungible since I already have Pujols/Napoli at 1B/CI and Rusney needed to go to make room for Buxton.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
                  Ended up doing Rodon, Butler, and Rusney for Miggy. Butler was somewhat fungible since I already have Pujols/Napoli at 1B/CI and Rusney needed to go to make room for Buxton.
                  I think that's pretty reasonable. Good work.


                  • #10
                    Thanks JC, I'm hoping that Miggy will net me a few points in HR/RBI/OBP so that I can at least lock down that 3 spot. This guy is still offering Holland for Sano but I'm not quite sold on that yet.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
                      Ended up doing Rodon, Butler, and Rusney for Miggy. Butler was somewhat fungible since I already have Pujols/Napoli at 1B/CI and Rusney needed to go to make room for Buxton.
                      Very good, IMO. I'm not sold on Rusney - I do think he'll hit a little better, and his fielding has advanced from horror-show bad to merely very bad, but I just don't see big upside on him. Rodon could be special, but I'd never let a young pitcher stand in the way of getting a chip like Miggy.

                      I like Sano more than most others on the board, and a lot more than elD likes him, but I'd deal him if the points I'd get by adding Holland would give me a fighting chance of getting over the top. Only into second or way.
                      I'm just here for the baseball.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by chancellor View Post
                        Very good, IMO. I'm not sold on Rusney - I do think he'll hit a little better, and his fielding has advanced from horror-show bad to merely very bad, but I just don't see big upside on him. Rodon could be special, but I'd never let a young pitcher stand in the way of getting a chip like Miggy.

                        I like Sano more than most others on the board, and a lot more than elD likes him, but I'd deal him if the points I'd get by adding Holland would give me a fighting chance of getting over the top. Only into second or way.
                        Very good point and I think that's how I'm going to play it. Right now I'm a good 20 points out of first but if the addition of Miggy and Buxton gets me within 10 points or so I might make the deal.

