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How much would you give up for price certainty

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  • How much would you give up for price certainty

    I'm looking for a 15th keeper in my 14 team mixed league. I notice another owner sent his keepers out already and did not keep Neil Walker, who is at a reasonable price (not gonna get into the specifics, cuz we have a $400 cap, and I've found it is just too hard for folks to relate to our cap and inflation rates). So, I make him an offer of Chance Sisco, who Kiley McDaniel ranks as a top 75 guy, and BP likes too, ranking him at the bottom of their 101. I figure, he isn't a super elite prospect, but this other guy will get him essentially for free, and has 5 open spots in his minors anyway, after trading some guys (we go 20 deep in the minors, so a total of 280 rostered).

    The other owner shoots down my offer, stating he'd rather have Walker in the auction. He then counters asking for Michael Taylor, who I balk at, because that is steep price to pay for a nearly at cost Walker who I can pursue in the auction. He then asked for Chi Ch Gonzalez as his rock bottom price for Walker. It seems silly to me for him to pass on a guy in Sisco for a guy he isn't even keeping, and doesn't need to pursue in the auction (he is set at MIF), but that is his prerogative. The thing is, I do need a 2bman, and pickings are slim in the auction, with Pedroia, Walker, and Prado being the three best guys left, but with other decent options available like Hill, Semien, and Phillips. So, what would you do in my situation? Cave and give Chi Chi just to get price certainty on a guy that would be tossed back into the auction? Or stand pat, and just see what happens in the auction?

    Edit: I think I can get Gyorko for Sisco, if I made that offer. Gyorko is half the cost of Walker. Is he a better option, given he is cheaper and would cost me a lesser prospect to acquire?

  • #2
    Some owners don't see the forest through the trees, but on the other hand, if he feels Sisco is just not worth anything, then he may feel as if he's doing you a favor. I don't know that much about Sisco to have an opinion one way or another here, but I wouldn't deal the other two (Taylor or Gonzalez) for him.


    • #3
      I'd stick with your original offer, and if the guy still says no, go with Gyorko as a back up plan.
      "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
      - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

      "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
      -Warren Ellis


      • #4
        In my league inflation is almost exclusively on the top 1/4 of players. $20+ guys. Walker probably isnt close to that top tier and so in my league he'd probably go somewhere near value unless he's nominated late or during a period everyone stops bidding. So I'd ignore the Walker owner.
        "The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable." -NY Times

        "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts" - Joe Biden


        • #5
          You are the enemy, so if it doesn't clearly benefit him, why should he help you?

          If Walker goes for anymore in the auction than he is now it was a good move on his part.

          If you think Walker will go for more in the auction pay the extra and save the money (Chi Chi, not Taylor). Walker is worth double Gyorko.

