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My NL only pitching staff and trade question.

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  • My NL only pitching staff and trade question.

    NL only 5x5 keeper, B contracts can be given raises at $5 per year.

    Below is my pitching staff we start 9 pitchers. If we turned rosters today I would not extend any of them. Gee most likely will not make the roster unless he is the starter and has a good spring.

    I have been offered a $24 and done Strasburg for my $24b Werth and my free Michael Taylor ($10 when activated). I would have an awesome staff swapping out Gee for Strasburg, but I really don't like the idea of giving up Taylor and the trade doesn't happen without him.

    Jorge De La Rosa 1B
    Matt Garza 7b
    Dillon Gee 6a
    LaTroy Hawkins 8a
    Clayton Kershaw 40a
    Craig Kimbrel 12 done
    Brandon McCarthy 4b
    Tyson Ross 10b

    I appreciate any thoughts.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    What does your offense look like? That puts you at $106 for a pitching staff that, you would think, gets you 56-58 points (assuming 12 teams). Can you put together a 3 or 4 category offense on 60% of your budget? Assuming it takes ~100 points to win, you could semi-punt steals and try to get 9-9-9-9-4, or punt AVG and try to get 10-10-10-10-1, or something like that. Or could you trade Kershaw? Or wait until you have a big lead in Ks and trade some pitching away?

    I'm not even sure I like trading a free Taylor for a $24 Strasburg. But as part of an overall plan, maybe. And that plan would basically mean being able to find a way to build an offense. If hitting inflation is 50% or you don't have any good hitting keepers, it might not work.


    • #3
      Originally posted by joncarlos View Post
      What does your offense look like? That puts you at $106 for a pitching staff that, you would think, gets you 56-58 points (assuming 12 teams). Can you put together a 3 or 4 category offense on 60% of your budget? Assuming it takes ~100 points to win, you could semi-punt steals and try to get 9-9-9-9-4, or punt AVG and try to get 10-10-10-10-1, or something like that. Or could you trade Kershaw? Or wait until you have a big lead in Ks and trade some pitching away?

      I'm not even sure I like trading a free Taylor for a $24 Strasburg. But as part of an overall plan, maybe. And that plan would basically mean being able to find a way to build an offense. If hitting inflation is 50% or you don't have any good hitting keepers, it might not work.
      My offense is

      Pena $1

      Duda $12

      Panik $8

      Peralta $15 -no ss available in the draft definitely a keeper.

      Pence $30

      Puig $20

      Werth $24

      Maikel Franco-free so I would pick up and endgame 3b or corner for a buck.

      I have $68 going into the auction to spend on offense with or without Werth.


      • #4
        If Franco makes the opening day roster is he free?

        I wouldn't sweat giving up Taylor but I would look to get something back besides final year Strasburg. Also what happened in your league if Strasburg is moved to a team in the AL (in season or offseason)?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sharky View Post
          If Franco makes the opening day roster is he free?

          I wouldn't sweat giving up Taylor but I would look to get something back besides final year Strasburg. Also what happened in your league if Strasburg is moved to a team in the AL (in season or offseason)?
          Franco is free if he makes the opening day roster as long as I keep on my reserve roster until after the auction. I would need to pick up a cheap 3b or CI at auction to fill the roster.

          As long as Strasburg is not traded until after the auction we get his stats. He is in the last year of his contract this year.


          • #6
            Originally posted by eldiablo505
            I'd do that trade.

            De la Rosa

            are all pretty fungible/droppable. Not sure if Panik is an awesome keeper, although I do like him pretty well for real baseball. He just has no power and no speed. Don't know if I'd keep Werth --- maybe.

            Regardless, I like this trade for you. Guess it depends on how heavy on the pitching you want to go into the auction. Stras is a mega stud to pair with Kershaw in an only league.
            Thank you all for the input.

            Eld, I agree that Gee and De la Rosa are not very exciting and are expendable. I kind of like Garza for this year but I wouldn't hesitated to trade him if I could upgrade.


            • #7
              What if I could get Teheran $15 (two years) instead of Strasburg?

              Would that be enough pitching to take the hit on offense?


              • #8
                I would say so. Especially given your additional comments about Franco etc.

