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Fuld Running Wild

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  • Fuld Running Wild

    3SB today, 4 overall. Is this just a crazy productive stretch since Damon's out? What kind of PT can we expect going forward?

  • #2
    Lots of threads mentioning Fuld lately but the only one with his name in the actual title remains unanswered. Obviously since this post, Manny "retired" and things are more interesting in Tampa.

    Fuld went 4 for 6 today with a HR and is now hitting .321 with 5 SB. Obviously this madness won't last, but Maddon really seems to love him based on his quotes and it would not surprise me to see Fuld end up with 400+ AB, 25+ SB, a .265 AVG, and plenty runs scored hitting at the top of the line-up. If you really look at his minor league track record he is a steady contact hitter who walks a lot, and flies around the bases once he makes it to first. And the little fella can obviously play the OF as witnessed by one of the greatest catches I've ever seen the other day. Even if they call up Jennings, he'll get steady AB as the 3/4 OF and I figure Damon is bound to spend some late season time on the DL. Moonlight J posted in another thread there was no way he'll stick but I'm seeing more and more indications he just might.

    DISCLAIMER: I paid $12 for him during our weekly FAAB run last night so I'm biased. Either way, you have to enjoy watching a 29-year-old, diabetic, 5' 8" Jewish economics major from Stanford with no real future in MLB getting his one big shot and killing it (so far).


    • #3
      At this point, I can't see why the Rays wouldn't keep him as a 4th/5th OF even with Jennings up. It's not like Fuld needs more seasoning or is a top prospect, but given his defense and speed, he'd be great depth given Damon's and Upton's injury histories.

      Don't get too excited about his HR, though. I think that ball actually went only about 300 feet and just snaked around the Pesky Pole.
      I'm just here for the baseball.


      • #4
        There's also been talk of the Rays packing it in early and trading Upton and Shields, so that would create more PT for Fuld, especially if they still want to limit the service time of others.
        Some people say winning isn't everything. I say those people never won anything.

        Quitters never win, winners never quit, but those who never win AND never quit are idiots.

        The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it's still on the list.

        Some people are like Slinkies, they are not really good for anything but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

        "...relentless inevitability of Yankee glory." - The Onion


        • #5
          You gotta love a guy that doesn't pull up on a double to take the single that would complete his cycle.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BC... View Post
            You gotta love a guy that doesn't pull up on a double to take the single that would complete his cycle.
            He probably figured he was gonna get another AB against the Red Sux pitching staff....
            I always liked Alfonseca and he is twice the pitcher Hall of Famer Mordecai Brown was - cavebird 12-8-05
            You'd be surprised on how much 16 months in a federal pen can motivate you - gashousegang 7-31-06
            "...That said, the hippo will always be the gold standard here" - Heyelander's VD XII avatar analysis of SeaDogStat 1-29-07
            It's surprising that attempts to coordinate large groups of socially retarded people would end in this kind of chaos. - Cobain's Ghost 12-19-07


            • #7
              He's the AL's Bloomquist
              I'm sorry, man, but I've got magic. I've got poetry in my fingertips. Most of the time--and this includes naps --I'm an F-18, bro. And I will destroy you in the air. I will deploy my ordinance to the ground.


              • #8
                I saw Fuld in the AFL a few years ago. He had about the best stats of anyone, yet BA didnt even rank him on their Top 20 AFL prospects list. The next year, he got a cup of coffee w the Cubs and hasnt been heard from much since. He had 28 ABs in MLB last year. Until now, he seemed like the classic 4A player. I put in an FAAB bid of $5 for him in one league, and the guy that won him bid $25!!! So, $12 may not be enough. He's never had more than 23 SBs in any 1 year in the minors, so expecting a ton of SBs may be optimistic. And how many HRs is a 5'10'' 180 lbs guy that never hit more than 6 in the minors going to hit? The one part of his game that seems legit is his defense. I agree that he could be a good 4/5 OFer, tho.

                How can TB be thinking about packing it in already? That is amazingly pessimistic. Have they forgotten the season is 162 games long? Longoria should be back soon, their rotation still looks great and Boston is 2-8 just like they are. To me, it still looks like they have enough to compete.


                • #9
                  Rays aren't thinking are thinking it

