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Trading Wainwright

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  • Trading Wainwright

    So, I have Wainwright at $20, expiring. I was just offered Gattis at $7, due extension (probably take him up to $12). I'm a little torn, as I'm still slightly concerned Gattis is moved to the AL (though after dealing Heyward and Upton maybe the Braves are done). But, I'm also concerned about the miles on Wainwright's arm (227 IP or more 4 of the last 5 years, plus postseason).

    I also have Wheeler, deGrom, Kennedy, H. Alvarez, Chapman, Cishek and Quackenbush as pitchers, while Goldschmidt is my only no-brainer keeper hitter (some other candidates as well, but nothing fantastic).

    This is a 12 team NL-Only, 5x5 with 25 man starting rosters and a $280 cap.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • #2
    If you think you can contend this year, I'd pass.


    • #3
      Also it's possible Gattis doesn't qualify at C next year, making him a middling $12 OF even if he stays.


      • #4
        I would not take a chance on trading Wainwright for a player that could be traded out of the league. This nets you nothing.

        What about packaging one of your lesser bats with Wainwright and get a real keeper bat?


        • #5
          Thanks, maybe I am underselling Wainwright and a fear of an arm injury and overselling Gattis' power potential.


          • #6
            Originally posted by umjewman View Post
            Thanks, maybe I am underselling Wainwright and a fear of an arm injury and overselling Gattis' power potential.
            Given your other pitchers I would make this trade if I knew for certain that Gattis was staying in the NL. Wainwright has to much value to take this gamble.

