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NL Keeper help, 12 Tm

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  • NL Keeper help, 12 Tm

    I had a bit of a bleah season in my main, 12 tm NL. I initially was in go for it mode, traded away some prospects, near deadline it was obvious I was not going to win. So I did a dump on trading deadline and got back some prospects, ended up in 6th. Perfectly middling, which is not where I like to be, I like extremes, last or in the money. But whatever, one thing I did right was to keep K Bryant my farm stud, prior years I traded away A Rendon and Stanton before that so figure it would be nice to keep one for once.

    No deadline coming up, just figured this is a down time to take a look.

    Potential keepers, * indicates eligible for extension at +$5 per season and as you can see I have decisions. Keep 10.

    C W Ramos $8*
    C/OF E Gattis $4*
    1b/3b T Frazier $5*
    1b/OF M Morse $17
    SS Hanley Ramirez $28*
    1b G Jones $16
    3b Aram Ramirez $30
    OF Angel Pagan $23
    P Lance Lynn $20 (I am partial to keeping him)
    P Jenrry Mejia $1
    P Franc Rodriguez $2
    P C Torres $2
    P JP Howell $1
    P E Volquez $1

  • #2
    Oh hell, Han Ramirez signed to AL. Fig Newtons, pardon my french. Well, strike him from list. Heck my list will resolve itself by end of thanksgiving maybe.


    • #3
      I don't think you should keep Hanley.

      (more opinions later)
      In the best of times, our days are numbered, anyway. And it would be a crime against Nature for any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly that it put off enjoying those things for which we were presumably designed in the first place, and which the gravest statesmen and the hoarsest politicians hope to make available to all men in the end: I mean the opportunity to do good work, to fall in love, to enjoy friends, to sit under trees, to read, to hit a ball and bounce the baby.


      • #4
        Ramos, Gattis, Frazier, Mejia are definites. KRod probably is if he ends up in the NL, but you don't know that yet. How big are the rosters? I wouldn't mind keeping Volquez if you could hide him when he's not throwing well. I have Lynn and I think he's really underrated, although I can see the arguments that his ERA could go up by a point pretty easily and his WHIP isn't great; even if it does he's still at least borderline worth keeping.

        What are the other prices like in your league? Is a slowly declining ARam worth keeping at that price?

        Not excited by the others, although if you're required to keep 10 the middle relievers aren't the worst.
        In the best of times, our days are numbered, anyway. And it would be a crime against Nature for any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly that it put off enjoying those things for which we were presumably designed in the first place, and which the gravest statesmen and the hoarsest politicians hope to make available to all men in the end: I mean the opportunity to do good work, to fall in love, to enjoy friends, to sit under trees, to read, to hit a ball and bounce the baby.


        • #5
          Ramos, Gattis, Frazier, Pagan, Lynn, Mejia. K-Rod if he's in the NL because he always seems to find his way into some saves. I wouldn't touch Volquez but YMMV.


          • #6
            TY both. I find it interesting neither of you are keen on keeping Lance Lynn, who to me is a guy I need to keep. Pagan is interesting.... At 17 I like Morse as a possible. Definitely a middling keeper list but I see some light.


            • #7
              I have Lynn in RJEL and will be keeping him... but I have him for a buck.

              I used to play in a 12-team NL and I remember that good starting pitchers can be damn expensive, so I have no problem with keeping him. But articles like this one ( make me nervous, and his strikeouts have gone down every year. He's still an above-average pitcher for now, but there are concerns.
              In the best of times, our days are numbered, anyway. And it would be a crime against Nature for any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly that it put off enjoying those things for which we were presumably designed in the first place, and which the gravest statesmen and the hoarsest politicians hope to make available to all men in the end: I mean the opportunity to do good work, to fall in love, to enjoy friends, to sit under trees, to read, to hit a ball and bounce the baby.


              • #8
                on the Lynn subject, a recent writeup:
                In the best of times, our days are numbered, anyway. And it would be a crime against Nature for any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly that it put off enjoying those things for which we were presumably designed in the first place, and which the gravest statesmen and the hoarsest politicians hope to make available to all men in the end: I mean the opportunity to do good work, to fall in love, to enjoy friends, to sit under trees, to read, to hit a ball and bounce the baby.

