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2011 Anatomy of an Auction: 19th Annual HCBB Draft (Very LONG)

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  • #16
    Nicely Done, ChiSoxFan!

    You came away with some good buys, relative to league pricing. Cain at $28, Ethier at $35 and Swisher at $25 seem to have fallen through the cracks, and you took advantage.

    Thanks for doing the write up...and letting us share in some of your league dynamics. I feel bad for Cavebird and his team's 2010 finish, despite the fact that he's a Braves fan. LOL
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    2011 Auction Anatomy

    RotoJunkie Posts: 4,314
    RotoJunkie Join Date: Jun 2001
    Location: U.S.A.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Silentmist View Post
      Hey, I would have bet you anything that McCutchen out valued Heyward last year, it's not my fault you didn't take me up on it... even though you would have lost.
      Of course he was going to; fantasy overvalues stolen bases, so McCutcheon (not sure who McCutchen is) was always going to outvalue him. In real baseball value (WAR or any similar measure) I bet Heyward vs. McCutcheon without hesitation. I don't see you taking me up on that one, however.


      • #18
        Originally posted by cavebird View Post
        Of course he was going to; fantasy overvalues stolen bases, so McCutcheon (not sure who McCutchen is) was always going to outvalue him.
        That would be Andrew McCutchen, CF for the Pirates. If you're not familiar with him, maybe you should have the clown suit.


        • #19
          Originally posted by cavebird View Post
          Of course he was going to; fantasy overvalues stolen bases, so McCutcheon (not sure who McCutchen is) was always going to outvalue him. In real baseball value (WAR or any similar measure) I bet Heyward vs. McCutcheon without hesitation. I don't see you taking me up on that one, however.
          Bad time to try to clown someone!

          Andrew McCutchen
          Find that level above your head and help you reach it.


          • #20
            I guess being a much better defender and playing a much tougher position counts for nothing either right?


            • #21
              Wow CB. First the Andruw Jones debacle...then the choke job...and now this. :biggrin:
              2021 Auction Anatomy
              2021 Keeper Decisions
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              2020 Pre-Auction
              2015 Auction Anatomy
              2014 Auction Anatomy
              2011 Auction Anatomy

              RotoJunkie Posts: 4,314
              RotoJunkie Join Date: Jun 2001
              Location: U.S.A.

