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Yeah so global warming huh...

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  • Originally posted by chancellor View Post
    Because the Koch brothers eat meat, silly.
    But do they drink beer ? Aquifer depletion is all about beer.
    Champagne for breakfast and a Sherman in my hand !
    The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
    George Orwell, 1984


    • Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
      But do they drink beer ? Aquifer depletion is all about beer.
      Only real beer. They wouldn't stoop down to drink Pabst
      I'm just here for the baseball.


      • Originally posted by eldiablo505
        I think I've reciprocated the civility. But my talons are always out. And your advice, while unsolicited, is noted.

        I think it's a huge mistake to paint global warming by using equivocations or vagaries or advocating half-measures. It appears to me, based on a pretty massive body of science, that global warming is real, is caused primarily by humans, and is leading us toward catastrophe. I think that if you give the climate change denier community even a crack in the door, they'll gladly stick their foot right in. The rise of sea levels will be devastating to anyone living near a coastal area. Extreme weather and disasters will become more commonplace. Oceans will acidify to the point where a significant portion of ocean life will be at risk. Food security will be threatened, particularly in those areas already very vulnerable to malnourishment. Entire sovereign nations are at risk, like atoll nations for example.

        I think it's difficult to overstate the urgency of this problem and I don't think we're doing anyone any favors, particularly not our own children, when we hem and haw about how it's not that bad, when we downplay our role in both causing and solving the problem, when we allow the right-wingers to paint those who treat this problem seriously as "alarmists" or whatever. Humans need to make significant changes to the way we conduct business and we need to start making those changes right now. While the predictive models vary somewhat, the consensus remains the same: global warming is a real threat and is primarily caused by humans.
        Fully agree with all of this.

        We need to do something to shift our energy consumption in food away from hugely wasteful livestock. We can't afford not to. In WWII, families were rationing their butter, meat, eggs, and milk, because it was a moral imperative. This time, the consequences are much more terrifying, and yet people are too stuck on partisan politics to view a study without scoffing that it's "biased numbers".

        Even when Pogues disputed my 70% carbon footprint claim, he vehemently states that it's closer to 50%... as if that's an argument for sustainability! It's crazy to me, the lack of urgency people feel to do anything, preferring to abdicate responsibility to "big business" and "industrialization" and "oil consumption". Even seeing the methane situation, they scoff it off as just something we need to "live with"... well, that's going to be hard to do when the oceans acidify and die, and can no longer support human life. By 2050.

        What are others proposing to deal with global warming? I really want to know.
        Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


        • Seemingly too big issues to handle, such as global warming, and reducing our carbon footprint to a responsible and sustainable level, wont be addressed in a meaningful way until there is a systematic method to monetize the change. Then the great push will be underway, with all of us pushing in same direction in same way our WWII generation pushed in same direction and made change and progress happen quickly.

          It is entirely probable the change will happen too late, meaning future generations will have very different sandbox to play in.


          • Originally posted by eldiablo505
            Electricity generation and transportation are the top two contributors to human global warming, by a decent margin. We'll make far greater headway implementing cap and trade legislation (or, even better, pouring far more resources into renewable efforts) and fuel efficiency standards than we will by trying to force people to turn vegan.
            So how to you rationalize the transportation involved in the around the world trip you took? And what would the impact be if all 300M of us took the same trip?


            • Originally posted by nots View Post
              So how to you rationalize the transportation involved in the around the world trip you took? And what would the impact be if all 300M of us took the same trip?
              Because someone has done something they shouldn't in their past has no bearing on what they advocate today.

              Some of the best addiction therapists were addicts at one time in their lives.

              We as individuals never stop educating ourselves or searching for a better was to live our lives. Or at least that's ideally how it should be.
              If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

              Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
              Martin Luther King, Jr.


              • Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
                Because someone has done something they shouldn't in their past has no bearing on what they advocate today.

                Some of the best addiction therapists were addicts at one time in their lives.

                We as individuals never stop educating ourselves or searching for a better was to live our lives. Or at least that's ideally how it should be.
                Do as I say, not as I do?
                Really, I'd like to ask the question of Al Gore, not of Eld, but I don't think Al checks in on the bar very often. I'd like to ask how he rationalizes flying a private plane all over the world leaving a huge carbon footprint while preaching about climate change? I imagine his carbon footprint is 1000x bigger than most of the Republicans who believe the whole thing is a hoax.


                • Originally posted by nots View Post
                  Do as I say, not as I do?
                  Really, I'd like to ask the question of Al Gore, not of Eld, but I don't think Al checks in on the bar very often. I'd like to ask how he rationalizes flying a private plane all over the world leaving a huge carbon footprint while preaching about climate change? I imagine his carbon footprint is 1000x bigger than most of the Republicans who believe the whole thing is a hoax.
                  I use to get in fights with my sister when I was younger. I hit her during those fights. Does that mean I can never speak out regarding violence against women? No.

                  People change, they learn from their mistake at least we hope they do.

                  To intimate that what el D says is somehow diminished or discredited because he at one time in his life made the choice to not live to the Nth degree environmentally is absurd.

                  Frankly you're better than that. Using those parameters as a an example, only people who have been perfect christians their entire lives should be speaking about god, jesus and their religion as a whole. Everybody else has no credibility, which means No One should ever speak about religion again.

                  f El D is wrong, shut him up by countering his arguments with verifiable facts not some weak --Gotcha-- play.
                  If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

                  Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
                  Martin Luther King, Jr.


                  • There is no vegan agenda here. None of the links I listed were to vegan advocates, and nobody here has responded to the graph about water depletion, or any other studies I read and posted. Just opinion.

                    You're operating on 1jay level here, not even quoting a single piece of evidence, or trying to refute the evidence I've put forward.

                    More greenhouse gases are emitted from livestock production than all vehicles, planes, and ships combined.

                    I'm not even saying anybody should go vegan, just that our meat consumption is killing us. The only solutions offered by California governing is to divert more water to the area to stop local farmers bleeding money, at the expense of leaving California without water. Its so short sighted and ignorant.
                    Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                    • Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
                      I use to get in fights with my sister when I was younger. I hit her during those fights. Does that mean I can never speak out regarding violence against women? No.

                      People change, they learn from their mistake at least we hope they do.

                      To intimate that what el D says is somehow diminished or discredited because he at one time in his life made the choice to not live to the Nth degree environmentally is absurd.

                      Frankly you're better than that. Using those parameters as a an example, only people who have been perfect christians their entire lives should be speaking about god, jesus and their religion as a whole. Everybody else has no credibility, which means No One should ever speak about religion again.

                      f El D is wrong, shut him up by countering his arguments with verifiable facts not some weak --Gotcha-- play.
                      You didn't really respond to what i wrote, but I guess that's OK.
                      Al Gore is still flying around on his private jet warning of the dangers of climate change. Seems really hypocritical to me. To others, I guess it doesn't.
                      The analogy about Christians you use is interesting, since one of the biggest complaints about Christians is that they are hypocrites. This would seem to me to be the same thing.


                      • Originally posted by eldiablo505
                        One time, I drove around aimlessly in my car for a couple hours to help my son go to sleep. Fucking checkmate.
                        We've all done that....most of us haven't flown all over the world for an extended period of time. I'm curious how you rationalize that, but I guess you aren't willing to engage.


                        • Originally posted by nots View Post
                          You didn't really respond to what i wrote, but I guess that's OK.
                          Al Gore is still flying around on his private jet warning of the dangers of climate change. Seems really hypocritical to me. To others, I guess it doesn't.
                          The analogy about Christians you use is interesting, since one of the biggest complaints about Christians is that they are hypocrites. This would seem to me to be the same thing.
                          I can't answer for Gore but to me, most people flying around anywhere touting one thing or another are in it for themselves. I was responding to what i thought was your point of El D and his trip. sorry if I misunderstood.

                          You are right about people being hypocritical. Unfortunately politics is full of Hypocrisy as is religion and we probably could name a lot of other disciplines that contain hypocrites as well. truly sad.

                          But you are on to something, it is tough to live the life you espouse. It can be done, but it takes commitment and you will make mistakes.

                          It's the biggest reason i'm changing careers at 53. UNLV in the fall, WTF am I doing? Hopefully putting myself in a place where I can use my talents to help others as i continue on through the second half of my life. We'll see eh?
                          If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

                          Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
                          Martin Luther King, Jr.


                          • Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
                            I can't answer for Gore but to me, most people flying around anywhere touting one thing or another are in it for themselves. I was responding to what i thought was your point of El D and his trip. sorry if I misunderstood.

                            You are right about people being hypocritical. Unfortunately politics is full of Hypocrisy as is religion and we probably could name a lot of other disciplines that contain hypocrites as well. truly sad.

                            But you are on to something, it is tough to live the life you espouse. It can be done, but it takes commitment and you will make mistakes.

                            It's the biggest reason i'm changing careers at 53. UNLV in the fall, WTF am I doing? Hopefully putting myself in a place where I can use my talents to help others as i continue on through the second half of my life. We'll see eh?
                            That's a bold step but good on you. Striving to be better person should be a lifelong pursuit.
                            I just have a hard time with hypocrites no matter the issue. Organized religion is a breeding ground for them. I think Al Gore is too. ElD is pretty zealous in his beliefs--I think it's reasonable to ask how he reconciles his 'preachy-ness' with his actions. As you see from his response, he's not going to be answering that question.
                            If you're going to be so sanctimonious about telling others how to live, you better be able to defend how you live. This applies to more than just religion.


                            • Originally posted by eldiablo505
                              Who, exactly, is doing that here? I assume you're talking about me because, let's face it, you're like my own personal groupie and can't ever stop thinking about me. Can't say I blame you. Perhaps you think I should apologize to the esteemed Senator from Oklahoma for mocking his beliefs since I flew in airplanes more than four years ago?

                              Edit: My carbon footprint, young padawan, is about 1/2 the national average, mainly due to energy efficient purchases and practices in my home (and the fact that I rarely drive). In the year I traveled around the world (2011) it was slightly under the national average. I was part of the team that implemented carbon footprint calculators for residential and business consumers at our utility, so I am pretty acutely aware of my own use. I'm so pleased that you're still so enamored with me and my life, though! You do get a little stalker-ish, though, but I can let that slide. I'd say let me know if you have more questions about me, but I know you will. I know.

                              Edit 2: This reminds me of the whole "if you're so eager for the rich to get taxed more, why don't you donate your all your money to the IRS, Warren Buffet?" discussion, which I found to be demonstrably stupid. Obviously, mileage may vary. I favor public policy changes sometimes even when they might upset my own way of life.
                              Not everything revolves around you, shocking though it may be, but your bombastic, intolerant posts sometimes spur me to respond with questions or comments--sort of the idea behind a message board. I actually think its good you practice what you preach carbon wise. It lends credibility to your other postings on the issue.
                              As for the rest of your drivel--meh. If it makes you feel better about yourself to think you have a stalker, have at it.


                              • Originally posted by nots View Post
                                Not everything revolves around you, shocking though it may be, but your bombastic, intolerant posts sometimes spur me to respond with questions or comments--sort of the idea behind a message board. I actually think its good you practice what you preach carbon wise. It lends credibility to your other postings on the issue.
                                As for the rest of your drivel--meh. If it makes you feel better about yourself to think you have a stalker, have at it.
                                You are correct everything revolves around me....................
                                If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

                                Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
                                Martin Luther King, Jr.

