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The N Word

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  • #16
    I agree with most of the sentiment here, but predominantly I feel its about intent and the person you're communicating with. Frankly, I think the only time I've ever used it is quoting someone else using it. ("N-ah please.") The fact that its used in some accepted parlance means that some of the animosity and racism behind it has fallen away. (Because we are a specie that depends on our sight to process data, it will be nearly impossible to ever be truly free of pre-judgment.)

    But, I'll be damned if I ever forget Mississippi Burning.

    Bottom line, its how you carry yourself and what you're willing to accept. If others that are part of your life, be they friends or children, see your example, they will process it and modify their behavior accordingly.
    "Igor, would you give me a hand with the bags?"
    "Certainly. You take the blonde and I'll take the one in the turban!"


    • #17
      My proudest moment on a basketball court was when I got called one (with the -ah) during a pick-up game. All 5 foot 6 inch of me was going up for a rebound and some guy just mauled me. Some guy runs over and says "Yo, you can't foul a n-ah like that." Then I made a couple of shots and the same guy was like "N-ah, I'll keep feeding you the rock and you keep shooting". Respect.

      But yeah, I don't use it. I wouldn't want to be called a kike either, so do unto others and all that jazz, right?


      • #18
        Originally posted by umjewman View Post
        My proudest moment on a basketball court was when I got called one (with the -ah) during a pick-up game. All 5 foot 6 inch of me was going up for a rebound and some guy just mauled me. Some guy runs over and says "Yo, you can't foul a n-ah like that." Then I made a couple of shots and the same guy was like "N-ah, I'll keep feeding you the rock and you keep shooting". Respect.

        But yeah, I don't use it. I wouldn't want to be called a kike either, so do unto others and all that jazz, right?
        The only time I ever used it was in college. I would go over to the gym to play hoops. There was 2 courts. Winners stay on loser go off and try to get on another team. Usually at some point 1 court becomes mostly white the other mostly black. I seemed to always end up on the black court. It was in the late 70,s and I had bright long red hair. So as soon as I entered the gym someone from the black court that I had played with before would yell over "Walton come play with us" - (reference to Bill Walton for the youngsters) They liked to pick me because I am 6'4 - would do all the rebounding - was left handed and could block shots like a Motherffer. That and I usual only shot on stick backs and tip ins.
        One night we were winning big and staying on the court forever ( I think it was about game 10 ) the Players waiting to get on were all trying to put together a team to beat us and getting very frustrated. Lot of smack talking going on. 1 little short black guy was running his mouth for about 4 games at me. " walton you don't have shit. Get the cracker off the court.--- keep your white ass out of my way.... He came dribbling down the lane 1 time yelling " in your face whitey" - I went up and block his shot knocking it about 5 rows up and yelled. Not with that weak shit N gger. Then realized I was the only white guy on the court with another 20 blacks on the sideline. It got real quite then my team started to to yell "weak shit Ngger- Weak shit nigger - As we kept running up and down the court and kicking their ass.. Turns out they hated him worse then me. Still not one of my prouder moments


        • #19
          A "did you know":

          Did you know that referee at soccer matches used to wear black, and that was stopped in order prevent people in the crowd from shouting things like "black b*******" ... which used to be a pretty common occurrence (in all languages).


          • #20
            It's simply not acceptable for a white person to use this word, under any circumstances. I have 4 bi-racial step-kids and trust me, no matter how you may use the word, it cuts. I've managed to get them to stop using it with each other, at least in my house...
            "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
            - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

            "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
            -Warren Ellis

