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Rocky Mountain High - Colorado Will Now Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Controller Jacobs View Post
    If the feds let Nevada have legalized prostitution and gambling, I don't see the legitimacy of trying to stop Colorado from having legalized marijuana.

    Amusing that Utah is between the two.
    Wyoming is freaking out. I imagine Utah and Kansas are a bit nervous about it, too.
    "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."
    "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
    "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all."


    • #17
      Originally posted by senorsheep View Post
      Wyoming is freaking out. I imagine Utah and Kansas are a bit nervous about it, too.
      Maybe they should light up to quell the freaking out
      "I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."


      • #18
        In unrelated news, doctors announced unprecedented drops in the number of 20-40 year olds in Colorado suffering from migraine headaches and chronic back pain.


        • #19
          Denver just moved way up our list of potential residences.

          Obama's DOJ better not offer resistance or he will be a complete hypocrite and coward.
          If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
          - Terence McKenna

          Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

          How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


          • #20
            Originally posted by DMT View Post
            Denver just moved way up our list of potential residences.

            Obama's DOJ better not offer resistance or he will be a complete hypocrite and coward.
            DoJ should come down on this with both feet-- not because it's marijuana, but because you simply cannot have states setting laws in contravention of Federal Law. What happens next? Does Idaho decide that you can sell organs rather than going through the UNOS donation process? Does South Carolina decide that anyone should be able to buy a belt fed machine gun as long as they have the money? Does Alabama outlaw abortion?

            I personally don;t think that narcotics should be legalized, but if the Feds decided to move on legalizing marijuana it wouldn't be the end of the world. That being said, that should be the only way it potentially happens.
            "There is involved in this struggle the question whether your children and my children shall enjoy the privileges we have enjoyed. I say this in order to impress upon you, if you are not already so impressed, that no small matter should divert us from our great purpose. "

            Abraham Lincoln, from his Address to the Ohio One Hundred Sixty Fourth Volunteer Infantry


            • #21
              I think Illinois should legalize the importing and selling of Cuban Cigars.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Bob Kohm View Post
                DoJ should come down on this with both feet-- not because it's marijuana, but because you simply cannot have states setting laws in contravention of Federal Law. What happens next? Does Idaho decide that you can sell organs rather than going through the UNOS donation process? Does South Carolina decide that anyone should be able to buy a belt fed machine gun as long as they have the money? Does Alabama outlaw abortion?

                I personally don;t think that narcotics should be legalized, but if the Feds decided to move on legalizing marijuana it wouldn't be the end of the world. That being said, that should be the only way it potentially happens.
                Should they start with Nevada and prostitution and gambling? Or Colorado with marijuana?

                Or perhaps like the Feds did with prohibition when New York repealed prohibition there?


                • #23
                  There are no Federal laws outlawing a state from having gambling or prostitution that doesn't involve the crossing of state boundaries. There are outlawing the sale of narcotics. Apples to oranges comparison. If we're goign to play that game, perchance you'd like to reinstitute chattel slavery? Seems like there were those who wrongly thought tat was a state's rights issue, too.
                  "There is involved in this struggle the question whether your children and my children shall enjoy the privileges we have enjoyed. I say this in order to impress upon you, if you are not already so impressed, that no small matter should divert us from our great purpose. "

                  Abraham Lincoln, from his Address to the Ohio One Hundred Sixty Fourth Volunteer Infantry


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Bob Kohm View Post
                    There are no Federal laws outlawing a state from having gambling or prostitution that doesn't involve the crossing of state boundaries. There are outlawing the sale of narcotics. Apples to oranges comparison. If we're goign to play that game, perchance you'd like to reinstitute chattel slavery? Seems like there were those who wrongly thought tat was a state's rights issue, too.
                    You mean like New Jersey defying the feds for sports gambling which violates federal law?

                    New Jersey will defy a federal ban and let people bet on the outcomes of football, basketball and other games this fall, Gov. Chris Christie said Thursday.


                    • #25
                      Does your shoulder hurt from that overreach, Lurker? There's quite a difference between challenging a statute that allows four states to do something-- hence a procedural matter-- and the clear disregarding of a Federal prohibition on something like narcotics, lol. I wonder if you are willfully ignoring my examples as you can't come up with any retort to them... or if you just got hold of some good Maui bud and can't focus right now :P
                      "There is involved in this struggle the question whether your children and my children shall enjoy the privileges we have enjoyed. I say this in order to impress upon you, if you are not already so impressed, that no small matter should divert us from our great purpose. "

                      Abraham Lincoln, from his Address to the Ohio One Hundred Sixty Fourth Volunteer Infantry


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Gregg View Post
                        I think Illinois should legalize the importing and selling of Cuban Cigars.
                        Wouldn't President Obama like a nice Cuban Cohiba victory cigar? He should pull some strings.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Bob Kohm View Post
                          Does your shoulder hurt from that overreach, Lurker? There's quite a difference between challenging a statute that allows four states to do something-- hence a procedural matter-- and the clear disregarding of a Federal prohibition on something like narcotics, lol. I wonder if you are willfully ignoring my examples as you can't come up with any retort to them... or if you just got hold of some good Maui bud and can't focus right now :P
                          "There are no Federal laws outlawing a state from having gambling or prostitution that doesn't involve the crossing of state boundaries" is what you said.

                          And the article says:
                          New Jersey will defy a federal ban and let people bet on the outcomes of football, basketball and other games this fall, Gov. Chris Christie said Thursday. A federal law called the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act limits sports betting to four states that approved it by a 1991 deadline.

                          Those two quotes seem contradictory. Also, how did the prohibition with New York defying the Federal laws and regulations turn out?

                          And I haven't smoked anything in probably 20 years. I just think the war on drugs has to end and apparently grass roots is the only way this is going to happen. Just like prohibition.


                          • #28
                            You're just lost on this one, Lurker. I don't agree with the DMT's or Sheep types around here on the issue, but at least they have thought out positions, not lame attempts at gothcas. We'll try again... if we simply disregard Federal Law, you invite Alabama to disregard the Civil Rights Act. Discuss
                            "There is involved in this struggle the question whether your children and my children shall enjoy the privileges we have enjoyed. I say this in order to impress upon you, if you are not already so impressed, that no small matter should divert us from our great purpose. "

                            Abraham Lincoln, from his Address to the Ohio One Hundred Sixty Fourth Volunteer Infantry


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Bob Kohm View Post
                              You're just lost on this one, Lurker. I don't agree with the DMT's or Sheep types around here on the issue, but at least they have thought out positions, not lame attempts at gothcas. We'll try again... if we simply disregard Federal Law, you invite Alabama to disregard the Civil Rights Act. Discuss

                              We will try again...prohibition has already set a standard for states ignoring federal regulations on alcohol in a similar situation. Other states are already violating federal gambling laws. 17 states have had medical marijuana laws in effect for years now without the DOJ coming down with both feet.

                              "Every store that sells marijuana here is violating federal law," he said. "The federal government could come in and seize assets. They could charge people criminally. They could send people to jail for scores of years. They have chosen, so far, not to do that."

                              Discuss this rather than some tangential point about the Civil Rights Act.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Bob Kohm View Post
                                You're just lost on this one, Lurker. I don't agree with the DMT's or Sheep types around here on the issue, but at least they have thought out positions, not lame attempts at gothcas. We'll try again... if we simply disregard Federal Law, you invite Alabama to disregard the Civil Rights Act. Discuss
                                And apparently Obama and the feds disagree with your position:

                                President Obama says recreational users of marijuana in states that have legalized the substance should not be a "top priority" of federal law enforcement officials prosecuting the war on drugs.

