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Dogs in Public

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  • Originally posted by Ken View Post
    Huh? Reread it. He has no idea if the dogs were locked up before he got there and as maddux pointed out, it would be reasonable that they were not.

    Certainly possible that they were, but assuming that? Seems like a terrible assumption. You have no basis to go on.

    It's a Karen move to assume the person you are dealing with is scum and call the authorities on them rather than just asking a question. Is it not?
    How did you jump to the conclusion I think the person is scum? I would rather error on the side of rescue than not and have a bad outcome. I was answering from what I believe and still do believe is the right response to the post as presented. This is not how I might handle it myself.

    Not everyone is comfortable handling it how you suggested. Especially in these times. Add the element of large account and you have to be extra careful not to offend in these trying times. It would be best to save the dog and not lose the business.


    • Originally posted by Gregg View Post
      How did you jump to the conclusion I think the person is scum? I would rather error on the side of rescue than not and have a bad outcome. I was answering from what I believe and still do believe is the right response to the post as presented. This is not how I might handle it myself.

      Not everyone is comfortable handling it how you suggested. Especially in these times. Add the element of large account and you have to be extra careful not to offend in these trying times. It would be best to save the dog and not lose the business.
      I didn't jump to any conclusions, I'm talking about someone accusing someone else of abusing animals.

      Sorry I'm all for protecting the animal and I know your intentions are good, it just doesn't sit well with me to see something and make a negative assumption without a lot more information than was provided in this thread. Whether that is gained by asking the owner or other means, there are various ways.


      • Originally posted by Ken View Post
        Huh? Reread it. He has no idea if the dogs were locked up before he got there and as maddux pointed out, it would be reasonable that they were not.

        Certainly possible that they were, but assuming that? Seems like a terrible assumption. You have no basis to go on.

        (separately the post was framed as if 9:30 were early in the morning so they must have been in there all night.... but most people are up before 9:30... so why was 9:30 relevant there?)

        It's a Karen move to assume the person you are dealing with is scum and call the authorities on them rather than just asking a question. Is it not?
        Some clarification for you. I worked there 8:30 to 12, never saw any owners.

        Secondly, I've already answered why I'm not asking the owners about the dog. If I did that, I would have zero recourse to report the abuse, because I would be viewed as the snitch and my company would lose the contract, endangering my job or my role with the company. If it's reported anonymously, I'm less likely to be blamed directly for it. So that's my dilemma.

        Posted the dilemma because I thought it was interesting and wanted feedback. I appreciate your interpretation that I'm going too far assuming 12 hours. That's why I suggest I'll stop by on my way home, at the 7ish hour mark, and report if the dog is still there. 7-20 hours, no light, food and water dishes outside, so presumably none inside, that's cruelty. If authorities investigate and find the dog in the shed with a bed, food, water, etc, then they have nothing to worry about.

        Lastly, 'Karens' are people with perceived privilege using it to screw over others abusing that privilege. Where is my privilege worrying about losing my job if I report it?
        Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


        • Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
          Dang, this thread went all kinds of sideways.
          ya think?
          I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert...


          • Originally posted by Ken View Post
            I didn't jump to any conclusions, I'm talking about someone accusing someone else of abusing animals.

            Sorry I'm all for protecting the animal and I know your intentions are good, it just doesn't sit well with me to see something and make a negative assumption without a lot more information than was provided in this thread. Whether that is gained by asking the owner or other means, there are various ways.
            I think your bias towards Karen's has blinded you to the rest of the story. Big client is a big part of the story. Authorities asking questions is nothing more than an inconvenience to the owner...unless of course he is guilty.

            I have been reported by a neighbor for "parking" my car on the front yard. Police came. I was washing it on the grass because the asphalt was too hot. I had to move it. I have been reported for having my garbage cans in front of my garage door, didn't know we could not do that. Police came. I have gotten a warning ticket for having the back of my Suv over the sidewalk in front of my driveway when visitors were over. Police came. I seem to be forgetting some, but you get the point. I would never think of reporting any of these in my neighborhood. This is different than the story we are talking about.

            If Teenwolf knocked on the door and asked the question and the owner lied. He could not make the call as it would cost him his account. He can make the call and it should have a happy ending.

            Need to think this one through.


            • Originally posted by heyelander View Post
              ya think?
              First time ever right?


              • Originally posted by Gregg View Post
                First time ever right?
                It didn't go off the rails, it chewed thru the front door, ran wild thru the neighbor yards, took a massive dump in the middle of the grocery store and then bit the dogcatcher.
                Champagne for breakfast and a Sherman in my hand !
                The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
                George Orwell, 1984


                • Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
                  It didn't go off the rails, it chewed thru the front door, ran wild thru the neighbor yards, took a massive dump in the middle of the grocery store and then bit the dogcatcher.
                  No wonder Reacher loves him!


                  • And for some added fun:

                    Why Karen and how it all started?
                    Sophie Dorrance-Minch, staff writer
                    October 14, 2020

                    Karens have recently became a popular meme and a very toxic one at that, including the new breed ‘Coronavirus Karen.’ A lot of people are currently familiar with the term ‘Karen,’ but for those who still don’t know can read on.

                    The first question is obvious: what are Karens?

                    In recent months, memes have depicted Karens as a specific type of middle-class white woman who exhibits behavior that stems from privilege. For example, she’s the kind of customer who demands to “speak to the manager” and belittle their services, is an anti-vaxxer, and carries out racist micro-aggressions. A predominant behavior of the Karen stereotype is that they weaponize their relative privilege against colored people. They’d threaten to call the police over minor, or even in most cases, fictitious infringements.

                    Where did the Karen meme come from? There’s no exact origins of where the meme came from, but some people argue it emerged from the “speak to the manager” meme. The speak to the manager meme started as a joke on Reddit in 2014. That meme began to spread throughout Reddit in 2016-2017. Spawning images. Speak to the manager were also known to have a certain hairstyle, which is a side-swept bob in the front with spiky and much shorter hair in the back. There are also some other notable theories about where Karens originated from.

                    Matt Schimkowitz, senior editor of a web site called “Know Your Memes”, argued that Karens originated from a Dane Cook comedy special that aired in 2005 due to this line: “Every group has a Karen, and she is always a bag of douche. And when she’s not around, you just look at each other and say ‘God, Karen, she’s such a douchebag!”

                    Mean Girls, which came out a year earlier than Dane Cook, is also another arguable association because of a line: “Oh my God, Karen – you can’t just ask people why they’re white.”

                    Because of Karen becoming a popular name for douchebags, the majority of parents gave up on naming their new child Karen and the name’s popularity declined. There are only four students at Ben Davis named Karen. Some existing Karens also hate their name being used improperly.


                    • I spoke to another crew boss at my afternoon job site. While we were talking, a woman walked by dragging her dog that was trying to pee or poop, and it was awful treatment. So I made a face, and it allowed me to mention " my coworker and I have been upset all day because someone had their dog in their shed." His eyes lit up, he named the client, and said "yeah, they had the dog locked in the shed when I was working there the entire day. I was thinking of calling the SPCA." So confirming our stories, we agreed one of us should report the abuse. We also agreed it was in our best interest to keep the report anonymous, or lie about who I am to avoid repercussions as much as possible. If they ask who I am, I'm a concerned neighbour.

                      Pretty sure it lives in there 24/7 with no sunlight. I don't think the type of people treating a dog like that during the day are letting it sleep in the bed with them at night and putting them in the shed early in the morning. From the bark and the poops, it's a giant dog too.

                      These owners are being Karen's by refusing to pay for proper care for their pet, while living in a $5 mil mansion. Privileged pieces of shit.

                      (Sorry for all the nice ladies named Karen out there, collateral damage in the culture war!)
                      Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                      • Originally posted by Ken View Post
                        If you can imagine it, it's someone's kink
                        Not the same community, but a lot of overlap--one of my roommates in college was a furry (still is, as far as I know). He first came out as gay and then as furry about a year after that. This was 25 years ago, when the internet was in its infancy and it was very hard for folks with such specific kinks to find likeminded people. That community, interestingly, has much the same demographics as the one you linked to--it is dominated by gay white males. It hasn't stopped him from becoming a high level coder in the security industry. I have not communicated with him in years, but the last time we talked he was making over 250k a year in his day job and he had built and was hosting the world's largest furry website/dating site. And bringing it back to the topic of the thread, his furry identity was a dog and he was a dog owner of a dog that looked very much like the costume he spend well over 1k making. I'm sure by now his costume is much more posh. Those things can run several thousand dollars, I was told.


                        • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
                          Not the same community, but a lot of overlap--one of my roommates in college was a furry (still is, as far as I know). He first came out as gay and then as furry about a year after that. This was 25 years ago, when the internet was in its infancy and it was very hard for folks with such specific kinks to find likeminded people. That community, interestingly, has much the same demographics as the one you linked to--it is dominated by gay white males. It hasn't stopped him from becoming a high level coder in the security industry. I have not communicated with him in years, but the last time we talked he was making over 250k a year in his day job and he had built and was hosting the world's largest furry website/dating site. And bringing it back to the topic of the thread, his furry identity was a dog and he was a dog owner of a dog that looked very much like the costume he spend well over 1k making. I'm sure by now his costume is much more posh. Those things can run several thousand dollars, I was told.
                          Another interesting fact about what I learned about the furry community from him is that they had a subcommunity that he and many other members of the furry community looked looked down on--the plushies. Plushy people back then didn't have enough members to build their own community (I don't know if they do now), so they went to all the furry parties, but some furries didn't like their inclusion. Plushy people didn't like to dress up like animals and live like them like furries did (there are furries that identify as dogs, cats, horses, wolves, and some as mythical creatures like unicorns and dragons). They just liked to have sex with plushy toys, which some furries thought gave the whole crowd a bad look.


                          • Another tangentially related tidbit: The commish of my fantasy baseball league visited and learned about my roommate's lifestyle choices way back when. You would think that my association with the furry would be the thing that stuck for the last 25 years as a running joke among my old high school pals, but nope. To this day, I am sometimes called Mr. Jugglesworth because of that one time 15 years ago some of them came up to visit my area for a live draft and I invited a friend of mine I met in the area to play with us so we could get a full 5 on 5 basketball game going. He rolled his ankle on the first shot of the game, an air ball that missed by about 10 feet on a 15 foot jump shot. He immediately got up, said he was done, limped to his car and drove off. I made the mistake of mentioning he was a professional juggler. So, in my peer group, jugglers who get hurt in 3 seconds, don't man up and try to play though the pain, and ruin a 5 on 5 basketball game are much more worthy of ridicule than furries.
                            Last edited by Sour Masher; 03-02-2022, 08:35 PM.


                            • part of a cats language is movement. when you say something and move even a toe, it's like passing someone in the office and saying good morning and they cough or clear their throat. most ppl don't realize this. your mileage may vary. I made ppl nervous at work. heh. never clear your throat or cough after you walk by someone. or when you are talking to a cat make a nervous body language. on contrast dogs are oblivious to this.

                              it's one of the things about cats. they act like they work in an office.


                              • cats also use their eyes to communicate. double blinking means we are content.

                                winking is tricky. they will understand it but it takes practice. in contrast, dogs are very good at winking. but you have to fuck with them at first.

