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2018 Midterm Election Thread

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  • Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    "Want a cookie?!"

    Mostly reads as you being a petty crybaby, but you're right, it reads much more concisely, thanks!
    And this is why communication is never perfect on internet forums. That was stated with some humor and levity. Sorry if you didn't read the humor in it. You'd think the smiley at the end would make that obvious but clearly not.

    If adding some humor makes me a "petty crybaby"... okay sure. You win!


    • Originally posted by Fresno Bob View Post
      If someone can't come up with $20 a year to support something that they spend a significant amount of time and energy towards due to actual hardship, then I seriously feel for them.
      I have several friends who have less than that in their bank account right now. Most of those are teachers which a large quantity of student debt.

      But I'm still waiting to hear why you want to criticize; yet with such a small amount you won't pay for it yourself since you are so fortunate? Actions speak louder than words, but I suspect you will continue to criticize from your high horse anyway.

      Originally posted by Fresno Bob View Post
      I only mention my peer group to differentiate it from the RJ population of 40+ year old white men (of which I am, and would guess 95% of posters are as well)
      Actually no, you brought them up to contrast them with "the abyss". You stated it a few times. Hard to erase that, it was littered through this thread.


      • i've never donated to RJ. it's not the money. i would do it anonymously but i've never actually used a paypal account. i don't know. i could write a check but i don't really want people to know who i am. i am not hiding. i grew up in an age of the internet where it was always anonymous. i've paid for entire message boards before when it was easier to do so.

        fuck i'd rather give $100 a year to the sheldrickwildlifetrust to give an elephant a good blanket.

        i figured you guys were high rollers, you don't need me to keep this shit going. and i am paranoid that everything online is being tracked. and it is! lately i go to youtube and videos that come up are words or things that i post here. not just video's i look at but they are tracking what you say on social media.

        what you do or say on the internet lasts forever. i've known this for the last 20 years... and in a way i was hoping you guys would stop paying and my history or drunken crap would disappear.

        i feel like i am screwed. the world has really changed and i did not change with it. i haven't even bought a cell phone yet.


        • and not to be a coward or anything but i've been perhaps harsh to people here maybe over the years. heh. if i were them, i'd want to kick my ass too. whatever.


          • Originally posted by Ken View Post
            I have several friends who have less than that in their bank account right now. Most of those are teachers which a large quantity of student debt.

            But I'm still waiting to hear why you want to criticize; yet with such a small amount you won't pay for it yourself since you are so fortunate? Actions speak louder than words, but I suspect you will continue to criticize from your high horse anyway.

            Actually no, you brought them up to contrast them with "the abyss". You stated it a few times. Hard to erase that, it was littered through this thread.
            I could pay for the entire site for the year with the cash in my wallet right now, but I don't and I shouldn't, because this is a shared experience, and because I refuse to support the hypocrisy of many of the people here that don't support the less fortunate/want cuts to basic services/deny healthcare for everyone yet want to be carried here. don't you worry though, I support RJ just fine

            It has been a long time since I had no money in the bank, but I remember those days. My children all go to public school and our rule is that "teachers don't pay for drinks", but blah, you'll just call that smug
            "You know what's wrong with America? If I lovingly tongue a woman's nipple in a movie, it gets an "NC-17" rating, if I chop it off with a machete, it's an "R". That's what's wrong with America, man...."--Dennis Hopper

            "One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real." -- Klaus Kinski


            • Originally posted by nullnor View Post
              and not to be a coward or anything but i've been perhaps harsh to people here maybe over the years. heh. if i were them, i'd want to kick my ass too. whatever.
              Other than the Lucky crack tied to your seasonal biorhythm dip, I don't remember too much coherent harshness from you Nullnor
              "You know what's wrong with America? If I lovingly tongue a woman's nipple in a movie, it gets an "NC-17" rating, if I chop it off with a machete, it's an "R". That's what's wrong with America, man...."--Dennis Hopper

              "One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real." -- Klaus Kinski


              • Here’s some good news:
                Broward County elections head Brenda Snipes reportedly resigned on Sunday. Her letter of resignation was submitted just hours after the recount for the Florida Senate race ended, according to the S…


                • Originally posted by nots View Post
                  Long overdue...she screwed the pooch, again. Not that it would have mattered in the end.

                  How is it that Florida is ALWAYS the asshole of the US?
                  "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
                  - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

                  "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
                  -Warren Ellis


                  • Originally posted by Fresno Bob View Post
                    I find the views of many here fundamentally selfish, as evident by the struggle Revo/Jason go through just to get the hosting fees covered
                    Originally posted by Fresno Bob View Post
                    I could pay for the entire site for the year with the cash in my wallet right now, but I don't [sic] because I refuse to support the hypocrisy of many of the people here
                    Ahhh, got it, you have the means and it would be no big deal to pay, but you don't because of the hypocrisy you see.

                    But others, they don't contribute because they are selfish. That must be it!

                    Intellectual consistency is not your forte.

                    Originally posted by Fresno Bob View Post
                    It has been a long time since I had no money in the bank
                    Where's those cookies I was handing out before, you definitely need another one for this!

                    Originally posted by Fresno Bob View Post
                    but blah, you'll just call that smug
                    I think "but blah" was your best line of the whole post.

                    And as far as calling it smug... well when the shoe fits...
                    Last edited by Ken; 11-19-2018, 09:31 AM.


                    • *sigh*


                      • I love seeing Nate Silver call out Rasmussen as they continue to publish a ridiculous job approval rating of 50% for Trump...

                        “Rasmussen predicted that Republicans (!) would win the popular vote for the House by 1 point; Democrats currently lead by 8 points. Was a large sample (n=2,500) so you can't really call it an outlier. Mayyyyybe they should take a look under the hood?”


                        • CA 21 now under a 1k difference. Still no idea how much is to count, but this definitely a toss up now.


                          • And McAdams now passes Mia Love again in UT-4. D+40 is now on the table.


                            • Originally posted by frae View Post
                              And McAdams now passes Mia Love again in UT-4. D+40 is now on the table.
                              Love, who gave no love, is officially ousted.


                              • Originally posted by revo View Post
                                Love, who gave no love, is officially ousted.
                                Pretty much down to CA-21 for the Dems to go +40 and a few people seem to see CA 21 as likely for the Dems the way the vote count is coming in...

                                Currently, the Dems are +7.9 in the national house ballot and moving up...

                                The more you dig into these numbers this was a wave. Sure they couldn't outperform their statistical disadvantage enough in IN, Mizzou, and ND to make it work in the Senate, but the only place, in the end, I would say they didn't perform as well as hoped was FL. If I told you election night it would wind up +40 in the house and probably around +8.5 in national house polls you would have a hard time spinning that the other way.

