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Supreme Court of the United States

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  • Originally posted by DMT View Post
    In terms of the long game, if Kavanaugh is confirmed and SCOTUS does overturn Roe v Wade, that will end the Republican party.
    I agree on both points. I put the likelihood of Kavanaugh confirmation slightly under 50% (I think most Republicans will sacrafice him)... odds of Roe v. Wade repeal also under 50%. But I agree with your premise IF it happens.
    Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


    • Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
      Yes, there are other witnesses. Her therapist and her husband would be 2 credible witnesses. Judge wrote in previous books about this time in his life being consistently blackout drunk and that's the witness you believe. What a joke.
      Why did Senator Feinstein sit on this information since July other than to muck up the proceedings at the last minute in the hopes the Democrats can retake the Senate in November? Playing politics perhaps? As you said, what a joke.


      • my main concern was about why anyone on Earth would accept this account, yet not Juanita Broaddrick's far more detailed saga.
        and if you accept the latter, then Bill Clinton is a rapist -not a failed one.

        some empathy for Broaddrick seems suitable.
        Last edited by Judge Jude; 09-19-2018, 11:54 AM.
        finished 10th in this 37th yr in 11-team-only NL 5x5
        own picks 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 in April 2022 1st-rd farmhand draft
        won in 2017 15 07 05 04 02 93 90 84

        SP SGray 16, TWalker 10, AWood 10, Price 3, KH Kim 2, Corbin 10
        RP Bednar 10, Bender 10, Graterol 2
        C Stallings 2, Casali 1
        1B Votto 10, 3B ERios 2, 1B Zimmerman 2, 2S Chisholm 5, 2B Hoerner 5, 2B Solano 2, 2B LGarcia 10, SS Gregorius 17
        OF Cain 14, Bader 1, Daza 1


        • Originally posted by Judge Jude View Post
          my main concern was about why anyone on Earth would accept this account, yet not Juanita Broaddrick's far more detailed saga.
          and if you accept the latter, then Bill Clinton is a rapist -not a failed one.

          some empathy for Broaddrick seems suitable.
          If you're actually concerned about Broaddrick, Anita Hill, etc, then you wouldn't support Kavanaughs nomination.

          Do you support his nomination despite these allegations of sexual assault, both his own and the judge he covered for?
          Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


          • Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
            Yes, there are other witnesses. Her therapist and her husband would be 2 credible witnesses. Judge wrote in previous books about this time in his life being consistently blackout drunk and that's the witness you believe. What a joke.
            Hardly are these “Witnesses” if anything she only told her Therapist in 2012. That’s many years later. I also read that she said she never told anyone about it for many years after it occurred. So my question remains where is the blue dress?

            What I find sickening is the blood lush rush to judgment of the left. I suppose you’ll now tell me that you find it sickening that the right is judging her. Would you not want Someone to defend you if you felt you were falsely accused? I suspect you would.
            I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph and there is purpose and worth to each and every life.

            Ronald Reagan


            • Originally posted by DMT View Post
              In terms of the long game, if Kavanaugh is confirmed and SCOTUS does overturn Roe v Wade, that will end the Republican party.
              What do you estimate to be the odds of this actually happening?

              Do you really think that each and every conservative Supreme Court justice has such little regard for legal precedent that they're just looking for an opportunity to trample the law and deliver a partisan political outcome? Based on the histories of the judges, I don't see much cause for alarm.

              Though, if it did happen, and it resulted in the end of the Republican Party, then it might be a worthy trade-off.
              "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."
              "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
              "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all."


              • Originally posted by baldgriff View Post
                Bernie - do you mean that Roe V Wade will be overturned? Curious why you think this?
                Sorry for the confusion. I do not believe that Roe v. Wade will ever be overturned. I believe thst the threat is continually used by both sides as a tool to amp up campaigns And monetary support. but I do not believe it will ever be overturned.
                I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph and there is purpose and worth to each and every life.

                Ronald Reagan


                • Originally posted by nots View Post
                  Why did Senator Feinstein sit on this information since July other than to muck up the proceedings at the last minute in the hopes the Democrats can retake the Senate in November? Playing politics perhaps? As you said, what a joke.
                  Because the victim was afraid of going public and having death threats hurled at her...

                  Oh, look at that! Shes getting death threats! What a surprise, right?!
                  Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                  • Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
                    Because the victim was afraid of going public and having death threats hurled at her...

                    Oh, look at that! Shes getting death threats! What a surprise, right?!
                    It could have been investigated by the FBI in July while protecting her anonymity but it wouldn’t have made as much political sense to do it then so I guess Feinstein held off until it looked like Kavanaugh was to be confirmed. Fortunate for all of us she summoned the courage 4 days before the scheduled vote. As you said, what a surprise!


                    • Originally posted by Bernie Brewer View Post
                      Hardly are these “Witnesses” if anything she only told her Therapist in 2012. That’s many years later. I also read that she said she never told anyone about it for many years after it occurred. So my question remains where is the blue dress?

                      What I find sickening is the blood lush rush to judgment of the left. I suppose you’ll now tell me that you find it sickening that the right is judging her. Would you not want Someone to defend you if you felt you were falsely accused? I suspect you would.
                      Dude... I told a therapist about my abuse less than 2 years ago, and she would be my witness if I was in the same scenario. 25 years past before I told my therapist. Am I not credible because I suffered silently for so many years? Please tell me! Get real specific please!
                      Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                      • Originally posted by Bernie Brewer View Post
                        More partisan hyperbole. There’s actually a significant number of citizens who disagree with your opinion. But you be you.
                        He's perjured himself multiple times, but you be you.
                        If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                        - Terence McKenna

                        Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                        How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


                        • Originally posted by nots View Post
                          It could have been investigated by the FBI in July while protecting her anonymity but it wouldn’t have made as much political sense to do it then so I guess Feinstein held off until it looked like Kavanaugh was to be confirmed. Fortunate for all of us she summoned the courage 4 days before the scheduled vote. As you said, what a surprise!
                          Feinstein didn't leak the letter! It was someone from her committee... so political theater still... but it wasn't Feinstein, as much as I despise her. I think she was legitimately seeking to shield the victim here, but I also know politics played a role in the decision.
                          Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                          • Originally posted by nots View Post
                            Why did Senator Feinstein sit on this information since July other than to muck up the proceedings at the last minute in the hopes the Democrats can retake the Senate in November? Playing politics perhaps? As you said, what a joke.
                            Why would they not fight back after Garland was denied even consideration? It's hilarious how for some around here the Democrats are expected to meekly lay down as Republicans completely cheat the system.
                            If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                            - Terence McKenna

                            Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                            How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


                            • Originally posted by Judge Jude
                              I have never expressed support for Kavanaugh's nomination.
                              I also recognize that Feinstein is playing dirty pool by being too much of a coward to have challenged Kavanaugh on direct questioning (I also opposed the lack of a hearing for Merrick Garland, btw. both parties suck).

                              I have not read up enough on the allegations about another judge to be able to comment on that.
                              You're a good guy... on this issue.
                              Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                              • Originally posted by DMT View Post
                                He's perjured himself multiple times, but you be you.
                                From right wing friendly vox:

