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cobb hit in head by liner

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  • cobb hit in head by liner

    hope he's OK - it looked bad.
    "Instead of all of this energy and effort directed at the war to end drugs, how about a little attention to drugs which will end war?" Albert Hofmann

  • #2
    Looked a lot like Happ
    Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!


    • #3
      Wow...that was ugly. From what I've read, looks like a concussion, likely minor. He's very fortunate.
      I'm just here for the baseball.


      • #4
        Dude woke up today with a slight headache. He's lucky as hell the ball his the meaty part of your skull. An inch in either direction and he could have been in a casket.


        • #5
          well, plan accordingly

          "He's feeling a little bit better, obviously not tremendously better,'' Maddon said. "It's one of those things that's just going to take some time. My advice to him was to not try to really rush anything, just permit your body to tell you when you're ready to do the next thing, and I think he's pretty much accepted that thought.''Maddon didn't have any specifics whether the concussion or the ear issue were the bigger hurdle. but that "it's going to be a long process I think.''
          As for a possible returrn this season, Maddon said: "I don't know that. I don't want to say one way or the other. We haven't even discussed that. I think it's important that he just gets to the next day and see how he feels and just stay together with the medical people. I would never create conjecture on that one way or the other. I really don't know.''


          • #6
            Listen to his interview today -

            I'll be surprised if he pitches again this year

