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NL Only Dilemma

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  • NL Only Dilemma

    This is a competitive 12-team NL only with mostly RJ'ers. Team finished 5th last year and feel like this is a huge year as I have a couple of really valuable keepers in their last year. Have a strong set of keepers but the last slot is up in the air and could use some additional pov's.

    - OPTION 1: Alex Presley ($7B - second year contract)
    - OPTION 2: Anthony Rizzo ($5A - have to keep on bench as I promoted him LY)

    Initially I was going Rizzo without question as I think the trade to the north side will do him well and LaHair is just keeping the seat warm (and having a bad spring thus far). But Presley has had a nice spring and looks to be starting in LF and batting leadoff. There is not a lot of talent on offense in the auction so Presley should easily fetch double digits and the 20+SBs would certainly help.

    Other keepers for some context:
    1. Justin Upton $15 (last year of contract)
    2. Jay Bruce $15 (have him for 2013 at same price)
    3. Jason Heyward $5B
    4. Pablo Sandoval $12 (last year of contract)
    5. Ike Davis $5B
    6. Neil Walker $5B
    7. Dan Uggla $26C
    8. Jose Reyes $40B
    9. Matt Garza $12B

    Uggla and Reyes may be higher priced but again there is very little offense available at auction and I can say with certainty both guys would go for much more.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    You have a team built to win now, so I would gamble that Presley doesn't regress instead of hope Rizzo gets promoted soon. At the end of the day, Presley probably out produces Rizzo this year and having a team that could win this year I think you have to take that approach.


    • #3
      I'd keep Presley...he'd really complete stacking your hitting, freeing you to building a staff around Garza.
      I'm just here for the baseball.


      • #4
        Originally posted by eldiablo505
        What's up with Davis? Is he all better now?
        I've yet to hear confirmation that he actually have Valley Fever as the initial blood test came back negative. He's playing in Spring games so for now at least it seems a non-issue that does create a bit of unfortunate risk.


        • #5
          As added pressure, I have your team as the 2nd strongest set of keepers in league, behind Dangerfield.

          Will you be ok with letting A Rizzo go and watching as he is a solid mid tier 1b for years, who would have provided $20+ profit in yrs 013, 014, 015, but you would have mucked up the lineup a bit with his cloudy playing time 012?

          Ya, your team is built for this year, and Presley is the this year option for a profit.


          • #6
            Originally posted by eldiablo505
            If Rizzo goes down, go with Presley. If he stays up, go with Rizzo.
            Rizzo staying up would change things entirely I think but I have to assume he goes to Iowa and having him stay on my bench and take up a roster slot isn't that attractive. That said, I could also just flip him in a trade in April since it always seems that someone is dumping.

            To that end, is it worth considering dumping Uggla? That would free up $$$ but 30HRs in the NL are hard to come by.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Porcello View Post
              You have a team built to win now, so I would gamble that Presley doesn't regress instead of hope Rizzo gets promoted soon. At the end of the day, Presley probably out produces Rizzo this year and having a team that could win this year I think you have to take that approach.
              I agree.

              I'd stick with Uggla too. Very fairly priced at 26.


              • #8
                How much can you get for Rizzo in a dump trade in July if you're looking to go all in? I'd strongly consider tossing Uggla back and keeping both. If you could get 3 months of Braun/Kemp level production for Rizzo that might replace 6 months of Uggla (plus you'd have $21 extra to spend).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
                  As added pressure, I have your team as the 2nd strongest set of keepers in league, behind Dangerfield.

                  Will you be ok with letting A Rizzo go and watching as he is a solid mid tier 1b for years, who would have provided $20+ profit in yrs 013, 014, 015, but you would have mucked up the lineup a bit with his cloudy playing time 012?

                  Ya, your team is built for this year, and Presley is the this year option for a profit.
                  I am thinking of shortening keeper lists to just 3 this year, I might have the strongest then


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by joncarlos View Post
                    How much can you get for Rizzo in a dump trade in July if you're looking to go all in? I'd strongly consider tossing Uggla back and keeping both. If you could get 3 months of Braun/Kemp level production for Rizzo that might replace 6 months of Uggla (plus you'd have $21 extra to spend).
                    You tell me

                    So sounds like Presley should be in and Rizzo out unless I let Uggla go and shift Neil Walker to 2B. I don't think I "need" Uggla's HRs with the rest of my offense so that will be what I have to think about I guess for the next ~2 weeks.


                    • #11
                      The Rizzo situation is not so much how LaHair hits as they want to get Rizzo more confidence. He really was lost in his 49 games last year.

                      The Cubs have no plan on competing this year. They have no reason to rush Rizzo. They are going to protect their investment.

                      That is the argument for keeping Presley given your situation.

                      What about trading a package of Walker and Rizzo for a very good cheap upgrade?

                      I would not dump Uggla either.

