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2B Daniel Murphy, NYM 2K12

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  • 2B Daniel Murphy, NYM 2K12

    This guy is criminally underrated IMO.

    He's a career .290/.340/.440 hitter and most projection systems have him replicating that kind of line. He's still only 26 yrs old and he's likely to bat at the top of the Mets order this year.

    Health is the only question, but there's tangible upside here.

    I believe he could out produce Neil Walker this year (and is going 100 picks on average later than Walker). Most leagues he's undrafted or going for a $1.

  • #2
    Health is a huge question. You can't pay for 550 at bats.

    His other huge question is defense. Where's he going to play in the field? Hopefully he sticks at 2nd base, but that's far from a given.

    Those are the negatives, but I'd gladly throw a few bucks at him as my MI.


    • #3
      his BA is fairly empty. No speed, no power and can lose his job at any moment. The silver lining is Turners defense is almost as bad so Murphys leash wont be as short as some think.
      After former Broncos quarterback Brian Griese sprained his ankle and said he was tripped on the stairs of his home by his golden retriever, Bella: “The dog stood up on his hind legs and gave him a push? You might want to get rid of that dog, or put him in the circus, one of the two.”


      • #4
        Originally posted by Hammer View Post
        his BA is fairly empty. No speed, no power and can lose his job at any moment. The silver lining is Turners defense is almost as bad so Murphys leash wont be as short as some think.
        Good point. Counterpoint - the Mets don't have the fallback of 1B any more, because if Ike gets hurt they'd probably stick Duda there. Then again, maybe Murphy would go to the OF if that happened.

        450 ABs of a nice empty AVG at 2B sounds fine to me, and he can be a value if he he slides, but I wouldn't go nuts.


        • #5
          I traded him and J.D Martinez at $4 & $8 respectively for a $15 Hanrahan this offseason. I liked Murphy's multi-position eligibility but just couldn't commit to that lack of HR's and unreliability.
          Some people say winning isn't everything. I say those people never won anything.

          Quitters never win, winners never quit, but those who never win AND never quit are idiots.

          The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it's still on the list.

          Some people are like Slinkies, they are not really good for anything but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

          "...relentless inevitability of Yankee glory." - The Onion


          • #6
            Originally posted by idriveabucket View Post
            Most leagues he's undrafted or going for a $1.
            It doesn't help that he's a Met. Their lineup is gonna be pretty lame, which leads to fewer opportunities for R and RBI.
            Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
            We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


            • #7
              He gets on base and hits a lot of doubles. If he bats in a money spot in the line up he should be good for lots of runs and rbis.

              He's only 26, so that doubles power might turn into some more HR too.


              • #8
                Originally posted by idriveabucket View Post
                He gets on base and hits a lot of doubles. If he bats in a money spot in the line up he should be good for lots of runs and rbis.

                He's only 26, so that doubles power might turn into some more HR too.
                And the reduced park dimensions can't hurt either.


                • #9
                  Boy, there were a lot of "ifs" in those last few posts.
                  Only the madman is absolutely sure. -Robert Anton Wilson, novelist (1932-2007)

                  Faith is believing what you know ain't so. -Mark Twain, author and humorist (1835-1910)

                  A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
                  -- William James

