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If you were Mike Rizzo....(Zimmerman related)

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  • #16
    Probably best to pick 2B or SS for Rendon, give him a few months, see how he does, then re-evaluate. If he fits in the middle somewhere, great! If not, then you can move him back to 3B with plenty of time to re-adapt to the position before getting the call and figure out what to do with the rest of them.

    If I had to say what will happen right now I'd say the Nats find a way for Rendon to transition to a MI position, if it's 2B then Espinosa moves over to short, then there's room for all of Morse, Werth, Harper, and Zimm. Whatever negatives Rendon brings with the glove will be offset with the bat. Now all they need is to find a CF...


    • #17
      After listening to countess hours of minor league podcasts (BA/Up and In etc) I guess you always start with them playing SS and then move to 2B. I assume that would be the Nats thought.

      As a side note, his major concern on draft day was a shoulder injury, so they must not think that is a problem anymore.

