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Hamilton for Morse/JJohnson. Talk me out of it!

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  • Hamilton for Morse/JJohnson. Talk me out of it!

    12 team long-established 5x5 mixed keeper league. 7 keepers (plus all super-prospects will be kept also in a small farm system setup).

    My current keepers (for the sake of context)... Kemp, Lincecum, Hamilton, A-Rod, Mauer, Cuddyer, Al. Ramirez.

    Wary of Josh Hamilton. Very wary.

    Have an offer on the table of Morse & Josh Johnson for Hamilton.

    If accepted, the keeper who'd go back into the draft pool would be Alexei Ramirez.

    Given that Johnson is either very good or injured, I'm seriously considering it.

    Bull Pen, talk me out of it!

  • #2
    Not much of a Hamilton fan at all (I think that he's going to continue to break down and wouldn't bank on more than 450 at bats), but also very wary of Johnson. I guess if I liked either Josh, I could be persuaded one way or the other. I'd definitely shop Hamilton around and see if someone likes him enough to give you something better. But, if you think that 150 quality innings of JJ are keeper-worthy, then I'd lean towards the Morse/JJ side.


    • #3
      Typically in a shallow mixed league like yours, I'd recommend getting the best player, which is Hamilton in this case. But given your keepers, I'd do the deal and not look back. ARod's in serious decline. Mauer may never be the same. Cuddyer is marginal, and the only reason I'd keep him is the magic elixir known as "Coors Field". Both Josh Johnson and Morse are high risk, but could be very high return. Morse could be a long-term keeper, assuming you have no contracts in this league.

      Oh, and I'd throw Mauer back instead of Alexei Ramirez.
      I'm just here for the baseball.


      • #4
        Thanks guys. Interesting opinions.


        • #5
          Originally posted by chancellor View Post
          Oh, and I'd throw Mauer back instead of Alexei Ramirez.
          I agree with this, even in a 2-catcher league. Way too much risk and cost for a Mauer imo.


          • #6
            I'd rather have Mauer than Alexi. Mauer had pneumonia or something last year, and I think that the injury discount, while deserved especially given his recent history, might be overstated at this point. I still think he's a top-5 catcher with upside of being #1.


            • #7
              Originally posted by eldiablo505
              I'd take Mauer over Alexi in a heartbeat in a 12 teamer, personally. I agree about his upside and think that it's considerably above what Alexi's is. With Mauer you could potentially get the best catcher in all of baseball. I don't think there's any way you could say that with Alexi you could potentially get the best SS in baseball.
              But you'll probably get 350 ABs with almost no power.
              I'm just here for the baseball.


              • #8
                Originally posted by chancellor View Post
                But you'll probably get 350 ABs with almost no power.
                I think that Mauer is embarrassed about last season, both personally and professionally. This is a guy with enormous talent...a 3 time batting champ and a former MVP. Alexie Ramirez is a slightly better than average SS, nothing more. It's really not a contest at all, IMO....Mauer could hit .350, drive in 80+ runs, and yes, hit double digit homers...
                "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
                - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

                "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
                -Warren Ellis


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hornsby View Post
                  I think that Mauer is embarrassed about last season, both personally and professionally. This is a guy with enormous talent...a 3 time batting champ and a former MVP. Alexie Ramirez is a slightly better than average SS, nothing more. It's really not a contest at all, IMO....Mauer could hit .350, drive in 80+ runs, and yes, hit double digit homers...
                  I'm sure he is embarassed, but he can't do anything about his back. He falls right into my old "Mike Lansing rule" - avoid guys with back trouble, and run away from those with chronic problems as fast as possible. Compound high health risk with a park that notably decreases power output, a guy who hasn't been north of 10 HR four of the last five years, and a horrifyingly bad offensive team around him, multiplies to "avoid" to me. I'll take a guy who's a near-mortal lock for low 80s runs, mid to upper teens HR, 70 RBI, 8-12 SBs and a .275 BA at SS anytime over the incredible risk Mauer is.

                  But, to quote DQ, your mileage may vary.
                  I'm just here for the baseball.


                  • #10
                    The other guy is playing hardball with the draft pick.

                    As he should be.

                    I sweet talked his going-for-it-all ass to giving me Matt Kemp at last year's trade deadline

