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Volquez for Kershaw and Arimas Ramirez?

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  • Volquez for Kershaw and Arimas Ramirez?

    Got a trade offer in my 13 team NL only league where I'm going for it. It's a 5x5 league normal cats with K/IP.

    Volquez is $7B (needs to be extended next year) and Kershaw can't be kept and Ramirez is $25 so he's not keepable. I would also be including minor leaguer Tim Wheeler $3M the outfielder for Colorado who is crushing the ball in AA (16 homers, .325/.412/.628).

    My worst categories are W, ERA and WHIP so Kershaw will help but is it enough of a return for Volquez and Wheeler? Ramirez would be replacing Jerry Hairston.

    One thing that is making me hesitant (other than Kershaw's last two starts; 6 ER in each but at tough ballparks) is that another team has just announced that they are dumping and they have Billingsley and Cain.

    If I were to make this deal I would still have some chips to make a run at Cain and/or Billingsley; I have McDonald $10A and minor leaguers Randall Delgado $5M, Cesar Puello $5M and Donovan Tate $10M. But I think Volquez is the best chip so I want to make sure I get the best return for him.

    I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

    The Weakerthans Aside

  • #2
    I think even at Volquez's best, Kershaw is a better pitcher and I think Aramis comes around to post soild numbers. I dont know much about Wheeler but I would give these 2 up in a second for Kershaw/Aramis.
    After former Broncos quarterback Brian Griese sprained his ankle and said he was tripped on the stairs of his home by his golden retriever, Bella: “The dog stood up on his hind legs and gave him a push? You might want to get rid of that dog, or put him in the circus, one of the two.”


    • #3
      Thanks, yeah I think it's a good deal for me. I'm not too worried about trading my minor leaguers cause I'm going all out to win this year, which should mean I'd win our three year championship and will have won 4 out of the last 5 years. My hesitation is that I'd rather have Billingsley and Cain, that's where I can really improve. I reached out to that owner to see what they want in return for those guys.
      I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

      The Weakerthans Aside


      • #4
        Do it! Do it now, and then run for a country where there is no extradition!

        Seriously, you need to do it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lucky View Post
          Do it! Do it now, and then run for a country where there is no extradition!

          Seriously, you need to do it.
          After former Broncos quarterback Brian Griese sprained his ankle and said he was tripped on the stairs of his home by his golden retriever, Bella: “The dog stood up on his hind legs and gave him a push? You might want to get rid of that dog, or put him in the circus, one of the two.”


          • #6
            What if I could get Cain and Billingsley for this package? Wouldn't that be better? I'm 4th in runs, 2nd in HR and RBI and 3rd in AVG, slacking a bit in steals but it's W, ERA and WHIP that I'm really hurting.
            I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

            The Weakerthans Aside


            • #7
              yes. I like that option as well.
              After former Broncos quarterback Brian Griese sprained his ankle and said he was tripped on the stairs of his home by his golden retriever, Bella: “The dog stood up on his hind legs and gave him a push? You might want to get rid of that dog, or put him in the circus, one of the two.”


              • #8
                Cain and Billingsley would be preferable, but I'm not sure that owner will be as dumb as the one who has Kershaw. Volquez is risky at best and Wheeler isn't really a top prospect. Kershaw has just had a couple bad innings these last two starts - in both he had dominated through the first 5 or 6 IP then run into a bit of bad luck at the end. He'll still end up as a top 5 pitcher in the NL.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
                  Cain and Billingsley would be preferable, but I'm not sure that owner will be as dumb as the one who has Kershaw. Volquez is risky at best and Wheeler isn't really a top prospect. Kershaw has just had a couple bad innings these last two starts - in both he had dominated through the first 5 or 6 IP then run into a bit of bad luck at the end. He'll still end up as a top 5 pitcher in the NL.
                  I'd give up more than Volquez to get those two guys but maybe I should take this deal now and worry about the other two later or just get one of them. Thanks for the info on his two starts. Good to know.
                  I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

                  The Weakerthans Aside


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BuckyBuckner View Post
                    I'd give up more than Volquez to get those two guys but maybe I should take this deal now and worry about the other two later or just get one of them. Thanks for the info on his two starts. Good to know.
                    I hear ya. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush though, so I'd take this deal immediately as opposed to missing out on it just in case the other owner is interested.


                    • #11
                      Man was I glad I took the deal for Arimas and Kershaw. I think Ramirez has been the best hitter over the last month.

                      I'm looking to make another deal in this league that I could you your advice on. I'm looking to add steals and still trade McDonald. The team with Cain and Billingsley never got back to me about an offer and since then a few other teams have dropped out so I've moved on to one of them.

                      I made an offer and was countered and now I'd like to get some help on my next counter.

                      Here is my first offer: McDonald $10A, Uribe $1C11 (can't be kept), Donovan Tate $10M (this owner had traded him to me in the off season so I was hoping he liked him) for Orlando Hudson $7A and Gallardo $30A.

                      He countered with McDonald, Uribe, Andres Torres $1B (going into option year) and Randall Delgado $5M for Hudson, Gallardo and Jonny Gomes (can't be kept).

                      The way I see it is that Uribe and Torres are the same as Hudson and Gomes with the potential of being worse. I believe that while Torres hasn't been that good this year he should be able to return someone way better than Gomes. He also has Ryan Roberts who I assumed he wanted to keep at $4F (can be kept next year only for $9 - weird rules I know) but he's offering him up. I'm not sure if that in place of Hudson or in addition.

                      So I was thinking of making this counter...

                      McDonald $10A, Uribe X, Brandon Wood $1F (could be kept at $6 next year only), Torres $1B and Delgado $5M for Hudson, Roberts, Andre Ethier (who can't be kept and Gallardo.

                      Is that too much to ask? I think the difference from Gomes to Ethier makes it a bit much. I guess I could offer up a draft pick or another minor leaguer. If I did that then I'd pretty much be done with any potential trading chips.

                      That was a long explanation and a lot to take in but what do you guys think?
                      I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

                      The Weakerthans Aside


                      • #12
                        I think that works for you. I'm not sure he'll take it but if he does, go for it. J-Mac is still very much an enigma, I don't trust Wood and Torres is well on the wrong side of 30. Roberts might be the best keeper in the deal.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by joncarlos View Post
                          I think that works for you. I'm not sure he'll take it but if he does, go for it. J-Mac is still very much an enigma, I don't trust Wood and Torres is well on the wrong side of 30. Roberts might be the best keeper in the deal.
                          I agree that Roberts might be the best keeper in the deal and initially didn't ask about him because of that. But if he's willing to deal him, I'll find something to make it work and probably flip him for someone better later on.

                          I'm thinking if he doesn't like the bigger deal maybe we could do B Wood and McDonald for Roberts and Gallardo. Might still need to throw in a prospect but at least with this deal Wood can be kept while Uribe can't something more attractive to him. I don't get as much of an offensive boost without Ethier but in theory I won't give up as much.
                          I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

                          The Weakerthans Aside


                          • #14
                            Another thought, this owner likes Orlando Hudson at $7A as a potential keeper but is willing to deal him. I'm not in love with the guy but I need steals and they are currently very scarce. This owner just picked up Cozart at $15F so he's probably not a keeper. Maybe I should substitute Cozart for Hudson and he might be more willing to make this deal. Will Cozart steal much? I know he's not a big time base stealer but at 30 last year and 9 this year before being called up.
                            I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

                            The Weakerthans Aside


                            • #15
                              This was his counter as he said he is close to trading Roberts not even a full day after saying he was available if I were interested;

                              Ethier, Gallardo, Garrett Jones, and Hudson for

                              Torres, McDonald, Wood, Uribe, Delgado and Puello?

                              I think all I can say to him is good luck with the rest of the season.

                              Maybe make a smaller deal where I offer McDonald for Gallardo.
                              I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

                              The Weakerthans Aside

