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can multiple personality disorder explain a conscious universe?

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  • can multiple personality disorder explain a conscious universe?
    In 2015, doctors in Germany reported the extraordinary case of a woman who suffered from what has traditionally been called “multiple personality disorder” and today is known as “dissociative identity disorder” (DID). The woman exhibited a variety of dissociated personalities (“alters”), some of which claimed to be blind. Using EEGs, the doctors were able to ascertain that the brain activity normally associated with sight wasn’t present while a blind alter was in control of the woman’s body, even though her eyes were open. Remarkably, when a sighted alter assumed control, the usual brain activity returned.
    that's kind of wild...the question of how conscious arises is a major question in science. it's up there with unifying gravity with quantum physics, or finding intelligent life on other planets. can machines become conscious or is there some biological quantum mechanical limit that would prevent pure machines from becoming conscious?

    i was just mostly fooling around wondering if i could come up with some reasons to believe the universe is conscious. i didn't know there are scientists and doctors that might take the idea seriously. so i guess what they are saying is possibly all of us are multiple personalities of one universe. had some interesting words.

    “constitutive panpsychism,” matter already has experience from the get-go, not just when it arranges itself in the form of brains. Even subatomic particles possess some very simple form of consciousness. Our own human consciousness is then (allegedly) constituted by a combination of the subjective inner lives of the countless physical particles that make up our nervous system.

    it makes me think of those nature shows, but instead of watching lions it's watching electrons..

    in a whispering voice..'here is the electron in it's natural environment. see how it instinctively moves towards an ionized atom. it's scoping out it's valence shell right now. Oh no! a positron has just wandered in from nowhere. ZAP!!!! ...difficult to watch.


  • #2
    ..Some believe the sky is blue because we live inside the eye of a blue-eyed giant named Macumber.


    • #3
      did you know in comic books beings like Eternity and Death and Master Order and Lord Chaos is it? they are classified as abstract entities! Death was in Avengers Infinity War. he's kind of a strange dude in comics. he's like all powerful but has no powers.

      what is an abstract entity? what does that even mean? how do i become one.

      ..i could be Bruce Willis in the 5th Element, but then all i'd be is a meat popsicle.


      • #4
        Death is a chick in Marvel comics, and Thanos has a death boner for her.

        I love all the Jim Starlin cosmic entities stuff, especially in the Infinity Gauntlet saga. Such silly stuff.


        • #5
          Physicists will often tell you it's a fallible thing when biologists or psychologists start extrapolating things in their field of expertise into grand ideas in the physicists or cosmologists field of expertise. that it's inevitable they're going to be mistaken.

          these guys are professionals, and that's a pretty kooky idea. i didn't look in depth, but they it took 15 years to figure out why that woman couldn't see. i don't think anyone was looking to jump into another field, but they discovered the reason she couldn't see doesn't exist.

          there's no scientific explanation in the world why a person will experience the warmth of fire, or the happiness of love, or the blowing of the wind differently than everyone else. if you could figure that out, you'd figure out how consciousness is created in the first place. i find it interesting that one of the authors has a PhD in artificial intelligence.

          it raises questions like is your consciousness your brain? why would a person with multiple personalities be blind sometimes? is it a glitch in the matrix? is consciousness separate and it controls the brain? Maybe you could go all Hugh Everett and say you or your consciousness exists across a vast multi universe (if one exists), and in another universe you are blind and somehow that information is leaking into this universe... if your consciousness is the result of the experiences of all the particles that make up your nervous system. i guess you could also find a way to throw wave duality in here somewhere.

          for the record i am anti string theory, anti multi universe, anti artificial intelligence becoming conscious. the first thing i was taught in computer science 101 was computers are incapable of an original thought. that was the very first statement they gave you. so i'll always be looking for ways to shoot down the idea. i think nature hides how she does it. it's like the quantum measurement problem, there are physical constraints on the ability to do it artificially. it's a fundamental part of the nature of reality and we aren't allowed to know the secret.

          but it always scares me when scientists seem to throw up their hands and give up and say it has to be because of some crazy idea. I think Brian Greene did that trying to explain spooky action at a distance, and why we can't combine gravity with electromagnetism, and what happens when information goes in a black hole, and gave up and said we are holographic...which is interesting but still crazy.

          my contention is if the universe is some natural decentralized consciousness, than we are not living in the matrix. We are not holograms either. no other universe exists outside ours. and pure machines (not cyborgs) with no biological parts can ever attain consciousness.


          • #6
            im not going to tell you guys who i voted for to be Supreme Being. But it was between David Warner from Time Bandits, who doesn't like the idea of nipples on men, and slugs really gross him out. and he says he has the most fabulous object in the world, even though his opponent says a bunch of jolly dwarfs stole it.

            VS Deus Ex Machina (God out of the Machine) from The Matrix

            who's head is made up of a swarm of thousands of machines and could be acting as a collective conscious. he says if elected and if Agent Smith assimilates someone hardwired into him, he can delete all copies of him and the machines will call a truce against Zion and humanity in the centennial Machine War... afterwards a black cat walking quietly in the rain through the rubble of a heavily damaged street will shiver as it disappears into code; and reappear on a fully repaired street giving the same shiver, as a phenomenon of déjà vu, and a sign that an 'adjustment' or 'change' has been made to the code within the Matrix.

            it's a crappy choice. i blame the humans for putting out a poor candidate and creating conscious machines and then starting a war with them for allowing Deus Ex Machina to run for Supreme Being.

